Weekend in Review
We rented Mad Hot Ballroom last night. It was really enjoyable and I admit that I squealed and clapped at the end. All those 5th graders can dance a whole lot better than me. The movie brought back memories of 4th grade when for some reason we had to learn how to square dance. I imagine that this was actually a disguised way to introduce appropriate social relations between girls and boys. Cause why would I really know how to dosie doe? I also remember having to do some sort of dancing on a 5th grade camping trip. I wouldn't be surprised if it was more square dancing. I was one of those girls who never had a boy to dance with. Sometimes a father chaperoning would end up dancing with me. Or in middle school when I was again forced to go to this dancing lesson thing and there were never enough boys forced to go by their parents, I danced with other girls. So I don't remember any dance steps. And if I did, they would probably be the male steps.

Back to the movie. The kids were fun to watch and for the most part they all took it seriously and wanted to win the competition. Teachers and principals praised the program for helping the kids focus and get involved. They were really hopeful that it would keep some kids on the right path. But the kids are only 5th graders. They have to navigate middle school and high school. I think it's naive to believe a program in 5th grade will carry a kid through the rest of their schooling and keep them out of trouble. It's said to think that some of the kids on the winning team will end up dropping out of school or pregnant on involved with drugs. Unfortunately the DVD didn't have any extras that updated viewers on where the kids were now. I recommend this movie. Another documentary that a lot of people have been talking about is Grizzly Man. We rented that and I couldn't even watch it all. I had no interest in the crazy guy and I didn't like the way the documentary was filmed and narrated and I swear some of the parts were scripted--and painfully so. I'm surprised that it won an award. I'm not sure Mad Hot Ballroom won any kind of award.
This weekend I ended up finding the perfect Valentine's card for my parents. We were wondering around this little boutique while waiting for a table at a yummy Mexican restaurant. And the card was just waiting for me. To understand why this card is so perfect for my parents I have to tell you that they are both chemists. They both teach now, but my Dad used to manage a big lab. Check it out!

Perfect! It has the periodic table and OSHA safety regulations posted! I just have to remember to send it to them. You can find lots of other cards with sock monkeys at Monkey Moments cards. Oh, the things those sock monkeys do for attention.
The balance of kitty pictures on here is leaning heavily towards Mr. Pink and this one won't help. But he's just too funny. He likes to sit on us while watching TV. When I got up right before this picture was taken he just kinda fell off and couldn't get up. Kinda like a turtle on his back.

Back to the movie. The kids were fun to watch and for the most part they all took it seriously and wanted to win the competition. Teachers and principals praised the program for helping the kids focus and get involved. They were really hopeful that it would keep some kids on the right path. But the kids are only 5th graders. They have to navigate middle school and high school. I think it's naive to believe a program in 5th grade will carry a kid through the rest of their schooling and keep them out of trouble. It's said to think that some of the kids on the winning team will end up dropping out of school or pregnant on involved with drugs. Unfortunately the DVD didn't have any extras that updated viewers on where the kids were now. I recommend this movie. Another documentary that a lot of people have been talking about is Grizzly Man. We rented that and I couldn't even watch it all. I had no interest in the crazy guy and I didn't like the way the documentary was filmed and narrated and I swear some of the parts were scripted--and painfully so. I'm surprised that it won an award. I'm not sure Mad Hot Ballroom won any kind of award.
This weekend I ended up finding the perfect Valentine's card for my parents. We were wondering around this little boutique while waiting for a table at a yummy Mexican restaurant. And the card was just waiting for me. To understand why this card is so perfect for my parents I have to tell you that they are both chemists. They both teach now, but my Dad used to manage a big lab. Check it out!

Perfect! It has the periodic table and OSHA safety regulations posted! I just have to remember to send it to them. You can find lots of other cards with sock monkeys at Monkey Moments cards. Oh, the things those sock monkeys do for attention.
The balance of kitty pictures on here is leaning heavily towards Mr. Pink and this one won't help. But he's just too funny. He likes to sit on us while watching TV. When I got up right before this picture was taken he just kinda fell off and couldn't get up. Kinda like a turtle on his back.

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