Tasty Find: Lip Balm Addiction
I recently had the pleasure of unduldging my own slight lip balm addiction by trying the Mint Chocolate Chip Lip Balm from
Lip Balm Addiction. It smells yummy and it has a great consistency. Not too light that it disappears right away and not too waxy. Plus, the site is hilarious. The tag line for Lip Balm addiction is "no fixes--only cures." The front page also lists 10 signs you're addicted. I myself am not addicted, really, I'm not! But I have a friend who is in deep. Even in high school I remember her waltzing into our first period class late, plunking down in her seat and hefting out a makeup bag devoted exclusively to her lip balm collection. She perused her collection during the morning annoucements and then finally made her choice, slathering it on her lips--and I swear, the remains on the bottom of the desk.

But back to Lip Balm Addiction. I thought of this friend of mine when I read #7 on the list "It's 11 p.m. You don't know where your children are, but you do know the exact location of all 30 lip balms you own.." So telling of her future.
Shipping is always free from them, which is cool because who wants to pay shipping on something inexpensive like lip balm. So go check them out! Lip Balm Addiction
Lip Balm Addiction. It smells yummy and it has a great consistency. Not too light that it disappears right away and not too waxy. Plus, the site is hilarious. The tag line for Lip Balm addiction is "no fixes--only cures." The front page also lists 10 signs you're addicted. I myself am not addicted, really, I'm not! But I have a friend who is in deep. Even in high school I remember her waltzing into our first period class late, plunking down in her seat and hefting out a makeup bag devoted exclusively to her lip balm collection. She perused her collection during the morning annoucements and then finally made her choice, slathering it on her lips--and I swear, the remains on the bottom of the desk.

But back to Lip Balm Addiction. I thought of this friend of mine when I read #7 on the list "It's 11 p.m. You don't know where your children are, but you do know the exact location of all 30 lip balms you own.." So telling of her future.
Shipping is always free from them, which is cool because who wants to pay shipping on something inexpensive like lip balm. So go check them out! Lip Balm Addiction
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