I'm not kicking off the New Year very well. George came home from this parent's house with a cold right before the new year and I had to stay in and nurse him back to health. So now fabulous ringing in of the new year there. We need to schedule a make up. And it didn't happen this weekend because now I have the cold. I really thought I wasn't going to get the cold because I was just plugging along feeling fine day after day. I even started my new workout plan and ran a mile on the treadmill. But then, the sore throat struck me. And today has been the worst, feverish and annoyed. Bleech!
But you can start the new year out better than I did. I'm having a sale in the shop! So help yourself to some deals and help me clear things out for the spring.
I did manage to enjoy a bit of the weekend before being felled later on. George and I went see Children of Men, here's link to a review. It was a very good film and yes, I cried. In a way it's the best baby propaganda movie ever. Reproduce--now! But it goes beyond that and it doesn't leave you depressed. I also got out in the abnormally warm weather we had here on Saturday, at least for a little while before I had to return home and rest myself.
But you can start the new year out better than I did. I'm having a sale in the shop! So help yourself to some deals and help me clear things out for the spring.
I did manage to enjoy a bit of the weekend before being felled later on. George and I went see Children of Men, here's link to a review. It was a very good film and yes, I cried. In a way it's the best baby propaganda movie ever. Reproduce--now! But it goes beyond that and it doesn't leave you depressed. I also got out in the abnormally warm weather we had here on Saturday, at least for a little while before I had to return home and rest myself.
YIKES!! dabney has been sick the last few days, and i have blissfully well. seeking juice now...
Hey girl! Would you mind critiqing my website? (Posted on my blog). I'm going crazy over this stupid thing...I need someone with design sensibility to tell me if it's okay!
Thank you!
Thanks for your feedback on my site! To answer your ??'s, I don't have any pics of a cupcake tower...I wish I did, I would totally put them on it! And I mostly do weddings because I rent a kitchen hourly from a caterer, and it's not economical at all for me to do small cakes (birthdays, etc.) so that's why I have a minimum order price of $75.00.
I was tagged, and now I am passing it on to you:) I am going to tag you for 6 weird things. Hope you want to do it.
RULES: People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
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