I'm not Mr. Lebowksi, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude.
My package for the Big Lebowski swap I participated in over at Craftster.org came a little while ago. And it was awesome. I had a great swap partner. She made me my very own El Duderino bowling shirt.

Isn't the embroidery beautiful? I've only done a little bit myself and seeing what you can do with it, like said shirt, makes me want to try it some more. And that' Larry's homework there--if you've seen the movie you'll get that as well as all the other little things--like the green nail polish there, the Foldger's coffee can, the Credence tape.

The funny thing about Credence Clearwater Revival is that George secretly likes them. Even since he worked for this old hippie in a Birkenstock shoe store with the hippie's music collection he's taken a liking to CCR. So there was even something in the swap for George.
Thanks rocknroll!

Isn't the embroidery beautiful? I've only done a little bit myself and seeing what you can do with it, like said shirt, makes me want to try it some more. And that' Larry's homework there--if you've seen the movie you'll get that as well as all the other little things--like the green nail polish there, the Foldger's coffee can, the Credence tape.

The funny thing about Credence Clearwater Revival is that George secretly likes them. Even since he worked for this old hippie in a Birkenstock shoe store with the hippie's music collection he's taken a liking to CCR. So there was even something in the swap for George.
Thanks rocknroll!
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