Shenandoah Vacation
George and I went on a mini-vacation to Shenandoah National Park and the neighboring town of Front Royal, VA. It's good to get out of the city sometimes. We did some hiking and some flea marketing and window shopping. As luck would have it the amazing Vintage Swank is in the town. I had heard about the online shop on blogs like Oh Joy and DesignSponge. The actual retail shop is ten times better. It's just overwhelming. George and I wandered around and around. All the goods are in pristine condition. A lot of items even have original tags on them or are in original packaging. I didn't even up getting anything, partially because everything was too good. There was some kitchen items I wanted, but I don't feel like our kitchen is good for displaying things. We still need to put up shelves for the random stuff I already have. But you must check out the online shop and if you're in the area go to the brick and mortar shop!

The park was also relaxing and gorgeous. The wildlife came out in full force for us city folks. We saw an big owl, a fox, lots of deer, and the tour de force--a black bear! We saw the bear twice once cross the road and once further up in the brush beside the road rotting around under rocks and stumps. Of course the camera on zoom just wouldn't work quite right so I would get a great shot and press down and the camera just wouldn't take it. This is the best I got.

My favorite hike was to a pretty little waterfall. It was cooler up in the mountains and even more refreshing by the waterfall.

Before we left the area we also made a trip to Skyline Caverns. There are lots of caves in that area and we thought it might be fun to go to one. This one didn't have any really amazing formations, but it did have these things called anthodites. They look almost like urchins but they are actually calcium deposits.

They formed in a natural vacuum in this cave. Scientist aren't even sure how they formed and if they will continue to grow because the vacuum is gone.
But now I'm back and I have to get back to sewing and crafting. I'm in on a great swap at Craftster so I need to brainstorm some things related to the Big Lebowski!

The park was also relaxing and gorgeous. The wildlife came out in full force for us city folks. We saw an big owl, a fox, lots of deer, and the tour de force--a black bear! We saw the bear twice once cross the road and once further up in the brush beside the road rotting around under rocks and stumps. Of course the camera on zoom just wouldn't work quite right so I would get a great shot and press down and the camera just wouldn't take it. This is the best I got.

My favorite hike was to a pretty little waterfall. It was cooler up in the mountains and even more refreshing by the waterfall.

Before we left the area we also made a trip to Skyline Caverns. There are lots of caves in that area and we thought it might be fun to go to one. This one didn't have any really amazing formations, but it did have these things called anthodites. They look almost like urchins but they are actually calcium deposits.

They formed in a natural vacuum in this cave. Scientist aren't even sure how they formed and if they will continue to grow because the vacuum is gone.
But now I'm back and I have to get back to sewing and crafting. I'm in on a great swap at Craftster so I need to brainstorm some things related to the Big Lebowski!
Have you ever head of geocaching? It's high tech treasure hunting using a GPS (that's the best way I can describe it). We are very much in to hiking and going to places we've never been before. Geocaching is a web-based activity where people hide a "cache", typically a box of trinkets and a log book and then you go find it. The beauty of it is, caches are often in the most amazing places that you would never find on your own. I bet you passed a cache or two in your travels. I don't mean to sound like a commercial, it's just a really fun thing to do.
Sounds like you had a great trip and showed great restraint in the second hand store.
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