Etsy Shop: Bake Sale Designs Yard Sale
I opened an Etsy shop! I've been thinking about it for awhile for two reasons. One, there are things I'd like to sell--vintage goods I come across and can't pass up but can't keep as well as "not quite perfect" items from my main shop--that just don't quite fit in with my Bake Sale Designs shop. Two, Etsy draws in a lot of people so it's just one more way for me to get my goods in front of people.

The shop is Bake Sale Designs Yard Sale. There are only a few items up right now, but I'm hoping to expand that and offer more supplies there in terms of vintage fabric and notions. And if you haven't browsed around Etsy, go check it out. There's lots of good stuff there!

The shop is Bake Sale Designs Yard Sale. There are only a few items up right now, but I'm hoping to expand that and offer more supplies there in terms of vintage fabric and notions. And if you haven't browsed around Etsy, go check it out. There's lots of good stuff there!
I love your new little site on Etsy, it looks great. I am thinking maybe I will come down to Philly that day and look at the Craft fair, hope to see you there.
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