Spring BadaBing Report
I'm back and I have dried out and caught up on some sleep. The Spring BadaBing bravely went on in the face of scattered rain showers in Richmond VA yesterday. It was held at a great old farmer's market.

Luckily I was in a really well covered spot in the middle. But people on the edges were without the extra awnings. The stalls were cute three tiered affairs. I had already thought out some display ideas so setting up went fairly smoothly. Everything was just damp. The poor little signs I made for my flowers pots just curled up and died. I replaced them a couple hours in with my postcards.

There's also a little "behind the scenes" shot for you. I'm real high tech.

I think the rain kept a lot of people away, but there were still some hard core shoppers out with their umbrellas. It so interesting to see what people gravitate towards. So many people went straight for the lavender Farbic Flower pin. But no takers. People always get a snicker out of the Mustachio totes too. A lot of women also liked the shape of my newest design, the the Tulip bag. I ended up packing up a little early because it got windy and one of my bags took a dive and got itself pretty dirty.
The best part of these shows is getting to go around and meet other people and see stuff in person. Unfortunately I only got to walk around part of the show. But from that half I got to see a Fefelant in person and meet the woman behind Silver Lining.

Come on that is a cute Fefelant!
I also had a little visit before the show from the wonderful Sarah from Hearts and Needles. She dropped off this sweet goody bag filled with, well goodies!
Including one of her amazing wrist cuffs in some of my favorite colors. It matched perfectly what I was wearing.

She also thoughtfully included chocolate. Mmmm.
All in all it was a good day. A Long day and a super long drive back to Baltimore, but a good day. Special thanks to George, of course, my assistant for the day. He took all of the photos for me.

Luckily I was in a really well covered spot in the middle. But people on the edges were without the extra awnings. The stalls were cute three tiered affairs. I had already thought out some display ideas so setting up went fairly smoothly. Everything was just damp. The poor little signs I made for my flowers pots just curled up and died. I replaced them a couple hours in with my postcards.

There's also a little "behind the scenes" shot for you. I'm real high tech.

I think the rain kept a lot of people away, but there were still some hard core shoppers out with their umbrellas. It so interesting to see what people gravitate towards. So many people went straight for the lavender Farbic Flower pin. But no takers. People always get a snicker out of the Mustachio totes too. A lot of women also liked the shape of my newest design, the the Tulip bag. I ended up packing up a little early because it got windy and one of my bags took a dive and got itself pretty dirty.
The best part of these shows is getting to go around and meet other people and see stuff in person. Unfortunately I only got to walk around part of the show. But from that half I got to see a Fefelant in person and meet the woman behind Silver Lining.

Come on that is a cute Fefelant!
I also had a little visit before the show from the wonderful Sarah from Hearts and Needles. She dropped off this sweet goody bag filled with, well goodies!

She also thoughtfully included chocolate. Mmmm.
All in all it was a good day. A Long day and a super long drive back to Baltimore, but a good day. Special thanks to George, of course, my assistant for the day. He took all of the photos for me.
Your booth looked great and so did your wares. Wish I could've shopped around a bit. Thanks for the shout out! And I'm finally updating my blog, so read me....
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