Saturday, April 15, 2006

Spring BadaBing!

The Spring BadaBing show in Richmond is next weekend! I can not believe how this event has snuck up on me. I still have a lot of work to do. This morning I'm going to take an inventory of everything I have. There are a number of bags I need to put finishing touches on as well as entire bags to construct. For shows, I also like to do some smaller things I don't normally have on my site. It's good to have some lower price points. I'm going to work on some necktie chokers and bottlecap magnets--both in honor of recycling and Earth Day--the same day as the show.

Tomorrow I'm going up to my parent's place for Easter dinner, so I loose almost a whole day of work. I may be able to take some supplies in the car with me and make a few fabric flowers.
In any case, updates on the blog this coming week may be sparse, unless I'm freaking about getting ready for the show. If you're in the Richmond, VA area, remember to check out the Spring BadaBing!

*Note--the spell check on blogger seems to think that BadaBing should actually be "bedpan." Eww, the Spring BedPan! Blogger is dirty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My package arrived! I am the most stylin gal downtown with the pumpkin swirl tote! It's even cuter in person!!! I adore how you wrapped everything in tissue paper, complete with a ribbon bow and sticker. And the other interesting places! Thanks! <3 May

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there!! :) just wanted to stop by and say how nice it was to meet you and hear a little baout your shop! ;) the cutest name ever~and despite the rain and such, the badabing (not bedpan! har har!!) was worth the drive to me! ;)

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and HEY! cool! i just saw tag sale tales over there in your links!! ;) (thats my other blog with co-writers...) so you sorta have met me before today! wink wink.

9:14 PM  

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