Thrifting and Swapping
I made a trip to the thrift store the other day. I dropped off a big bag and only came out with a small bag. There are a few things I just had to get. I couldn't leave these beauts languishing on the cold shelves under the flourescent lighting. But at the same time, I'm not sure if I have room for them or what I would use them for.
That's where swapping comes in. So here are the goods:

Cute little ceramic daisy cups. Awww. They were just looking at me. They would make super cute bathroom cups (if I didn't have a cat who would push them into the sink where they might break). They could also be used as little paintbrush or pencil olders.

Florida hankies! They've never even been used. They still have the little "Made in" sticker. I was thinking one might make a cute tote bag panel inset. Or you could just go ahead an blow your nose in 'em.

This last thing I got at the same thrift store but quite awhile ago. It's a vintage polaroid camera case. It's in great condition--viynl, not leather. I tried to use it as a cute bag and I was even going to embellish it with some felt trees or something. But then I just couldn't pull it off. I just don't have what it takes for a bigger boxy bag. It fits CDs really well.

Please find it in yor heart to offer a home to these lovely goods. They're looking for a forever home!
That's where swapping comes in. So here are the goods:

Cute little ceramic daisy cups. Awww. They were just looking at me. They would make super cute bathroom cups (if I didn't have a cat who would push them into the sink where they might break). They could also be used as little paintbrush or pencil olders.

Florida hankies! They've never even been used. They still have the little "Made in" sticker. I was thinking one might make a cute tote bag panel inset. Or you could just go ahead an blow your nose in 'em.

This last thing I got at the same thrift store but quite awhile ago. It's a vintage polaroid camera case. It's in great condition--viynl, not leather. I tried to use it as a cute bag and I was even going to embellish it with some felt trees or something. But then I just couldn't pull it off. I just don't have what it takes for a bigger boxy bag. It fits CDs really well.

Please find it in yor heart to offer a home to these lovely goods. They're looking for a forever home!
I hope you don't mind me leaving a link here! It's to a fun pin cushion idea - maybe for your "new" mugs?!
oh yeah! I was going to tell you also about those coffee mug pin cushions! I am the same way when it comes to thrifts. I already have lots of stuff but if I see something cool that I even already have, I feel the need to get it and find it a good home! ha ha! I really like the Florida hankies but I don't know if I have anything fun to swap with you.
I was going to say the same thing about the pincushion.
Isn't craftster great!
Der, I totally know what you all are taking about, seen it on Craftster even and didn't think of it!
Love the hankies!
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