The long goodbye
We are slowly dissembling our apartment. The futon we got in Madison, WI is gone. Our deck furniture is gone. We threw out lots of stuff including the kitty "shelf" we made but the cats never seemed to enjoy that much, and took even more to the Goodwill. Boxes are filling up. Mr. Pink loves it. He rolls around in all the paper piles and jumps in all the boxes. Moco is a little more wary. But he's happy as long as we're around.

We get the keys to the new apartment on Friday. It's the first time I've had done an overlapped move. Usually I have to get out and drive across a few states and then move in. It's such a luxury to take it slow. But at the same time--I just want to get it over with already!

We get the keys to the new apartment on Friday. It's the first time I've had done an overlapped move. Usually I have to get out and drive across a few states and then move in. It's such a luxury to take it slow. But at the same time--I just want to get it over with already!
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