Self Portrait Tuesday AND Cuties
Time for the first real submision for the "all of me" self-portrait challenge. I jumped the gun last Tuesday. Below is my self-portrait. It really is a photo I took of myself after a day at the beach. My bathing suit top broke and I was stuck wearing the top in the picture. So there's no make-up, but I don't normally wear makeup. The angle isn't so flattering. It's after a day in the sun and sand. But I guess I'm just not too picky. It's a good photo. Just wait until next week. It's not the angle and lighting that get me. It's mid-sentence. I can get caught in some might horrible split second facial expressions. I'm glad I don't have to watch myself talking in slow motion!

Have you seen the mascots of the winter olympics in Torino? I just saw them today and they're kinda cute.
One is supposed to be an ice cube and the other a snowball. Hee. They actually reminded me of the all great plushies and stuffies out there in the craft community. For some really great examples of what I mean, check out the Plush Rush Gallery.
Here are some other examples of the cuties I mean.
This guy's at Plain Mabel.

The super cute Valentine fat kitty can be found at Copacetique.

Have you seen the mascots of the winter olympics in Torino? I just saw them today and they're kinda cute.

Here are some other examples of the cuties I mean.

The super cute Valentine fat kitty can be found at Copacetique.
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