Tuesday, February 05, 2008

American Craft Council goes New wave

ArtScape isn't the only good old art show inviting in the "indie" crowd. The American Craft Council is doing the same with their Amerian Craft Show in Baltimore. I'm fairly well acquaimted with this show since George and I go each year to help one of the artisits, a friend of his mom's, take down her show. It's quite an experience to see the convention center go from a packed art show to a bare bones concrete warehouse. They start taking up the potted plants and carpet right away and soon cars are pull into the sapce to load up.
Before the take-down George and I always wander around. While it's not exactly our style, I usually find a few artisits/crafters that I like. But I can normally never afford anything.
This year, maybe I'll be able to afford something from one of the "New Wave" artists. I can't help putting "New Wave" in quotes. Who came up with that? I know it's referring to a new movement, but all I think of is New Wave music--and the web agrees with me since the first thing that comes up when you google "New Wave" is a wikipedia entry on New Wave music.

I digress. The press release below will explain it all and tell you who these New Wave artists will be attending the February show in Baltimore. I actually did recive an invite to apply, which I was flattered by, and I submitted an application, but alas, didn't get in. There's only one "bag" person who did get in. I don't really know anyone who is in, although I've seen Twigs and Heather and Bright Lights--Little City around. And I do believe Margaux Lange made a very special engagemnt "ring" for a certain mafia member.
I did spot there are a few paper people, letter press, stationery, etc. That's cool because I can't even think of anyone currently in the American Craft Council show who's doing that. Anyway, check out the New Wave and the American Craft Council in B-more.

New York, NY (February 1, 2008) – The American Craft Council has opened the doors of its most prestigious show, The American Craft Show in Baltimore, to the New Wave Craft community – artists typically labeled ‘indie’ as they usually exhibit and sell their work at small local craft shows.

The Council invited 300 artists of the national New Wave Craft community to apply to a special section of the show: out of 100 applications, 15 have been juried in. Their handmade items are varied and include: lampshades made out of cocktail umbrellas; colorful adult and children’s clothing made out of vintage and reclaimed fabrics such as sheets, drapes, table linens, and lace; and jewelry incorporating Barbie parts; among others.

The New Wave Craft section which will feature the 15 artists together will be positioned among the 700 booths of professional craft artists who will present their high-quality, handmade jewelry, furniture, clothing, home décor and more at The American Craft Show in Baltimore, the largest juried, indoor craft show in the nation. Each year, the show attracts upwards of 25,000 crafts enthusiasts. Visit: www.craftcouncil.org/baltimore

The 2008 New Wave Craft Artists at The American Craft Show in Baltimore:
Amy Alison (Chicago, IL): www.sodabyamy.com
Julie Belcher & Kevin Bradley (Knoxville, TN): www.yeehawindustries.com
Heather & Kerry Alice Collins (Nahant, MA): www.twigsandheather.com
Erika Ebert (Philadelphia, PA): www.erikaebertpress.com
Dolan Geiman (Chicago, IL): www.dolangeiman.com
Chia Guillory (Austin, TX): www.chiahats.com
Regina Jiron (Bethesda, MD): www.beadjewelryshopgirl.etsy.com
Tia Keobounpheng (Minneapolis, MN): www.silvercocoon.com
Becky Klay (St. Paul, MN): www.smallmotordesigns.com
Margaux Lange (Brooklyn, NY): www.margauxlange.com
Nancy Pizzaro & Andy Witt (Chicago, IL): www.circaceramics.com
Eli Reich (Seattle, WA): www.alchemygoods.com
Erica Schlueter (Verona, WI):www.jewelrybentmetal.com
Niki Ulehla (San Francisco): www.nikiulehla.com
Heather Wells (North Attleboro, MA): www.brightlights-littlecity.com


Blogger Unknown said...

Seriously who did coin the term "New Wave," but I have to say I love the music.

5:32 PM  

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